Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Today was a bit surreal. I had a big ante-natal appointment and then we had the option of attending an ante-natal class. There are 2 options for these classes:

  1. The new parents class - where neither party has been through childbirth so both are told what to expect, and the guys are advised on how they can help and support their partner.
  2. The parental refresher class - where both are already parents so mums get to come along for a 2 hour refresher and partners are excluded.

Hmmm - what do I do about that? If I choose option 1, I am so overqualified, I could stand up and give the class myself. If I go for option 2 Thomas is excluded when he is the one who wants and needs the class. And given André never attended an ante-natal class for any of the other 3, I can't even relay what the guys are taught.

So we had to go for option 1. I felt very strange listening to that, I can tell you. But if it is the only way to get support, then so be it. The thing I find odd though in this day and age when so many people have kids in a second marriage is why the hospitals are still so 1960s in their outlook!

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