Sunday, May 18, 2008


Thomas's tool
Originally uploaded by PhylB
Thomas at his happiest when he finds a kitchen tool he doesn't yet have. Today he found a machine that not only simultaneously peels and cores an apple but also thinly slices it perfectly to make good old American apple pie. Of course I did laugh myself silly in Tk Maxx watching his delight at unearthing this contraption and subjected him to all sorts of ridicule. Unfortunately when we got home, I actually had to admit that it was quite cool and the apple definitely tasted better like that - Oh god, he's turning me into a kitchen utensil nerd :-(

1 comment:

  1. I watched the video of Thomas demo'ing his new toy ,,,, and I laughed ,, and laughed ... and laughed .,,. I watched it again ! I think it was his finalé that made me fall off my seat ,.,. almost like a magician re- producing his disappeared assistant. Da-dah ,..,
    Oh Thomas ,,, you are indeed the architypal nerd ,,
    But hey, it looked like a good tool !
