Friday, August 08, 2008


I see this is 08-08-08 - supposedly the luckiest day of the century according to some. The luckiest last century was meant to be 8-8-88 - that's why André and I got engaged that day...hmmmm. Well I did get 3 wonderful kids...


  1. Not only was today the luckiest day of the century ,,, they went completely OTT at 8-08 and 8 seconds am this morning ! .,,. when the date & the time were as one ,,, they said there would never be a luckier or more perfect time, in this or any other universe for all time !!
    So you've now missed the opportunity to jump on that hobby-horse again !

  2. I don't think it is particularly traditional to get engaged to sb on the anniversary of your getting engaged to sb else... so I'll just leave that boat be!
