Wednesday, September 24, 2008


On the topic of people who do their jobs badly... you know what else annoys me? You'd think that if your job is designing and making baby clothes, you'd start by looking at babies and actually realizing that babies' physical dimensions are completely different from the rest of us. They aren't shrunken adults, they have tiny short limbs, huge heads and longish torsos. When they put their right arm up, they simply reach the top of the right hand side of their head. They can't reach over their heads and touch their left ear, not till age 5 or 6. So why (see right) do these numpties make mini-adult t-shirts leaving poor babies searching hopelessly for their arms and hands? This is a matching 9-12 month t-shirt and trousers from ASDA. The trousers are perfect for Anna, as is the t-shirt in length but she'll be about 3 before her arms grow into the sleeves. Contrast this with the age 6-12 month jeans from Primark. The waist is perfect but the legs will be fine in about 8-12 months time. And Tesco doesn't escape either. Their denim baby shorts assume 6 month olds with thin thighs... of course breastfed pre-crawlers have legs like tree trunks so poor Anna spent the summer with rings round her thighs caused by overtight clothes. The end result is me having to take in or up baby clothes constantly, and with the sewing skills of a two-toed sloth, the result is rarely pretty. Come on guys - stop the sloppy work and give me a break. If I had wanted to spend my life sewing, I wouldn't have failed Home Economics at the age of 13.


  1. I took in a couple of Ellens sweaters last night. Waaay to long sleves. :)

  2. So it's universal. I'm still taking in all Charlotte's trousers at the waist and she's 8. They seem to assume all 8 year olds are equally thin/fat - odd really given how diverse adults are.

  3. Well, a year ago I weighed about 100 kilos. Needless to say I didn't fit a size 38. But when they make clothes for the obese, they just take the clothes in size 38 and multiply the measures. ALL the measures. The legs were so long I coud sew myself an extra pair of trousers!

    My niece had to use a size 12 when she was 8, and she wasn't even large for her age.

    It was much easier in the Good Old Days(TM), where the mother stayed at home and made all the clothes by herself. :)
