Friday, July 16, 2010


One of the problems with the low birth rate in Western countries is the fact that women don't have the experience to know what their bodies are capable of. Also women are unlikely to know someone personally who has a lot of children and who can offer real advice. Women end up listening to health officials and believing what they say. Back in December I was told I had to have a caesarean, which I refused because I knew the limits of my body but had Amaia been my first or second baby, I'd probably not have had to confidence to argue and win my case. I was told on at least five occasions that I probably wouldn't be able to have her naturally as they tried to frighten me into signing up. I am becoming more annoyed at stories I am hearing. How often do we hear - I won't be allowed to go more than X hours past my due date or they'll induce me. Given they can check blood flow, oxygen etc to and from the baby these days (they did it with Amaia), it seems to me that setting average deadlines is not in our interest. Of all the people I know who've been induced, 80% have gone on to have a caesarean because they have not dilated. I find it hardly surprising they don't dilate if the baby isn't ready to be born. I hate the dictatorial vocabulary too. Another friend's baby was breach till near the end of her pregnancy. They won't allow me to try to give birth naturally, she told me despite the fact that she already had several children. Advising women is one thing, telling them what they can or can't do is another. I wish they'd spend more time trying to avoid such traumatic surgical outcomes. And I wish women trusted their own instincts more.


  1. They simply want you all to have your babies during (their) normal 9-5 working day !
    Hence tonight's lead item on the National BBC "news" that babies born outside these hours have a greater chance of not surviving !
    It's all PISH of course ,,if they don't want to work times when babies want to be born then they should take up a different bloody profession.

  2. Luckily I think it's a lot different in Denmark.

    Well, I was given the offer of induction, when I was 14 days overdue - but it was an offer. (Ellen was born 11 days overdue.)

    In Denmark the midwifes works hard to reduce the number of elected caecareans - 13% of births in Denmark is caecareans on maternal request.

    A breach baby they try to turn and if they don't succeed, they give you the option - they don't dictate.

    If a doctor or a midwife told me that a caecarean was the best solution, I would consider it - but I will do almost anything to avoid it!

    But I'm glad doctors aren't invovlved in normal pregnancies and births in Denmark - I think it makes the whole "process" more naturally - doctors are for sick people. :)
