Tuesday, April 19, 2011


We like to drop into Calderglen Country Park once or twice a month during summer time. It isn't far, has a nice play park, café and a few little animals and birds. Most of all it is free of charge... or should I say was. Last Sunday Léon had a party near there so we promised to take Anna, Amaia and Charlotte up to see the meerkats while he was in the softplay. We arrived to find there was now a wall around the pretty gardens and a person at a desk charging each adult £1-10 to get in. The charge is reasonable I guess compared to some places, and unlike many that are completely unaffordable for large families, they have not (yet) gone down the route of charging every child, but it just seemed pointless to pay for only fifteen minutes, as that was how long we had before picking up Léon, so we had to leave with a rather disappointed group of girls. I suppose we'll be seeing more and more of these new types of charges as the cuts bite.

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