Monday, June 04, 2012

The Jubilee

I've been wanting to blog my opinion of the weekend's royal shenanigans but I see Polly seems to have read my thoughts in every detail and written them down already. So I'll save my time and simply point you in that direction.

I presume that unless she shuffles off her mortal coil any time soon, we'll have to put up with this every five or ten years from now on - God help us if she lives as long as her mother.


1 comment:

  1. We do have a few blessing to count, first of all, we live in modern times, if this were more than a century back, do you not think we would be more imposed upon to celebrate?
    Second, we do not live in London, as I bet is you wanted to keep your head down, it is significantly harder nearer to where all the events are hosted?
    Third, I did moan a bit, the kids having a few more days off school. It does really cut down on how much I can get done, and my quiet time to be able to think. But, can I admit to enjoying our Friday together and the kids being able to stay in their pajamas all day?

    Really, we can ignore most of the rest?
