Tuesday, January 22, 2013


We decided to create a wee onesie zoo here at the weekend.

Having bought some of them in Primark over Xmas, we decided that was the obvious place to get one for those members of the family who had not yet succumbed to losing their dignity in favour of warmth and comfort. So over we went to Braehead, driving through the snow and walked in the the ladies' department to find they'd got rid of their fleece onesies and replaced them with bikinis and beachwear. What is it with these big chain stores? How often are they so busy rushing ahead to the next season that they miss all the money they could be making now? I cannot believe that with outdoor temperatures on the minus scale and no holidays imminent, they would have had a rush on bikinis, and they missed out on selling Miriam and I something ridiculous and fleecy on Sunday... I guess it is a bit like my rant back last Halloween.

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